Are you prepared for menopause?

Many women cannot wait to get off the pain, cramps and, most times, the discomfort they experience during menstruation. Yet, when it eventually bids goodbye, many are ill-prepared for the medical and psychological challenges that follow. Most women have said that instead of relief, they feel less feminine; others even thought they had contacted a disease. Not to worry, doctors have said menopause, which is the permanent end of menstruation, is a turning point in a woman’s life, not a disease. The net doctor defines menopause as the day a woman experiences her last menstrual cycle because her ovaries, which produce eggs, have slowed down. It does not happen suddenly, it is a gradual process, but many women fail to see the warnings, hence they experience complications such as hot flashes and severe issues like heart diseases and osteoporosis says a gynaecologist, Dr. Jeni Worden, “Menopause is a milestone – it’s the day that marks 12 months ...