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Qatar Airways now Flies to Finland
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Photo credit: twitter.com
Today is really a beautiful day to launch new destination. Qatar Airways just landed her first flight to Helsinki, Finland and they are tweeting it@qatarairways. Congratulations to them!
Along with the showers comes the risk of various diseases like food poisoning, diarrhoea, dysentery and cholera. Again, in rainy season, digestion is generally weak. Therefore, you should eat less. It is also essential to fast once a week or fortnight. People eat some incorrect food during this time and fall sick. To protect your health, follow this dietary guideline: •Avoid heavy, salty food, as it promotes water retention and bloating. It is better to have medium or low salt food •Eat foods which are drying in nature, the most popular being corn, and oats, among others. Eating watery foods like rice and watermelon creates swelling in the body •Maintain the general hygiene while eating out and definitely avoid roadside vendors, as very few people have the high immunity to handle the bacterial overload at such places •The milk is the better diet in this season. Drink butter milk, as it improves digestion. Oily food should be taken in less quantity •Eat li...
A concerned mom shared her experience with other mothers about the likely causes of diarrhoea in children: “When my daughter was two months old, she started having diarrhoea. I let this go on for a couple of days and then took her to our family doctor. The doctor told me that she has gastroenteritis (infectious diarrhoea). I was given oral re-hydration solution and Flagyl syrup. After a couple of days, she still wasn’t any better and I was at my breaking point. So, I scheduled an appointment with another doctor in order to get a second opinion. The new doctor that I now call my daughter’s pediatrician said that she didn’t think that the baby has gastroenteritis. She said that she was likely to be lactose intolerant and had colic. She told us that when a baby is developing intolerance to cow’s milk, a symptom of that is diarrhoea. So, she advised us to change her baby formula, and, immediately, the diarrhoea stopped.” Lactose (milk) intolerance happens whe...
Dr. Samuel Adebayo Uterine fibroid, also known as Leiomyoma, is a benign (non-cancerous) tumour of the uterus (womb). Fibroids are the most common benign tumours in females and they occur during the reproductive years. They occur in up to 50 per cent of women. The exact cause of this tumour is unknown; but some factors are associated with increased chance of developing uterine fibroid. A family history is a factor. History of fibroid developing in women of the same family or race plays a role in a woman’s life. African women have between two and three times chances of developing fibroid than white women. Also, African women develop fibroid at a younger age, usually in their 20s and above, unlike white or caucasian women where fibroid may occur in their 30s or 40s. No pregnancy or low pregnancy rate increases the risk, just as early onset of menses...
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