Behold ThaiAirways’ 1st Airbus 350photo

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This is Thai Airways 1st Airbus350 as captured by
Airbus  is really taking over the skies and no airline wants to be left behind!
Thai Airways is now a proud owner of the coveted plane.
Congrats to them and more Airbus to her fleet!


  1. What is electronic Indian Visa (India e-Visa)?
    Government of India has launched electronic travel authorisation or eTA for India which allows citizens of 180 countries to travel to India without requiring a physical stamping on the passport. This new type of authorisation is called an eVisa India (or electronic India Visa). It is this electronic India Visa Online that allows foreign visitors to visit India for five major purposes, tourism / recreation short term courses, business, medical visit or conferences. There are further number of sub-categories under each visa type. All foreign travellers are required to hold an India eVisa (India Visa Online application process) or a regular/paper Visa prior to entry into the country as per Indian Government Immigration Authorities.
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